Tuesday, March 25


The story of the shore

by Jehadu Abshiro It’s 1945, another hot summer in Dallas. Denne Freeman is an 11 year-old-boy with a group of friends and an adventurous dog. He lives on Tarleton Street, a half mile uphill from the shores of the White Rock Lake. The lake is his playground. He hunts and fishes there, explores the woods, […]

Weird and endangered at the Dallas Zoo

by Sarah Bell The okapi is a large, reddish-brown hoofed animal that stands over 7 feet tall and can weigh over 700 pounds. Many people mistake it for a species of zebra because of the black and white stripes covering its back legs. But if you look close enough, you might just be able to […]

Neiman Marcus Sold: Will Tradition Remain?

by Avery Stefan  In September, the owners of Neiman Marcus agreed to sell the luxury retail chain to a privately-owned group led by Ares Management and a Canadian pension plan in a deal worth $6 billion. While employees and certain customers are confident that Neiman Marcus will continue to provide high-end merchandise and quality customer […]

Sweet E’s Express

by Hillary Hirschfeld The holiday season has arrived and that makes it the busiest time of year for gift giving. Baked good and sweets have always been a popular holiday gift option for friends, family, and co-workers; yet, we live in an allergy-cautious world, and sometimes that makes gift giving a little more difficult. That’s […]

AT&T Stadium Keeps Fan Safety Its Number One Priority

by Katie Ballard AT&T Stadium implements NFL’s new Purse and Bag Policy to keep fans safe and events running smoothly. It’s every woman’s worst nightmare: exposing all the hidden contents of her purse for the world to see, especially when she’s not even sure exactly what may be in there. After the NFL implemented the […]

Parkland Operates For the Future

by Parminder Deo New county hospital expected to provide better service and care Dennis Clemons enters Parkland Memorial Hospital’s main entrance one day recently using an aging cane and clutching a tattered binder under his arm. The binder contains medical records dating back to the 1950’s. Clemons is a regular at Dallas’ public county hospital. […]

Change is Growing at the Dallas Farmer’s Market

by Mallory Ashcraft The Dallas Farmer’s Market will undergo an extensive renovation project as early as January that will add more space for farmers and vendors, bring in local restaurants, and create apartments and community attractions. Market officials say consumers can expect to see more organic produce in the future and a wider variety of […]

SMU students face hate-motivated incidents

by Yusra Jabeen It was a quiet evening in fall 2012 on the SMU campus. Carrying his black tote bag, junior Sammy Partida was strolling down Bishop Boulevard around 10 p.m. to visit his friend at Morrison McGinnis residence hall. As he entered the south quad, a small group of white students crossed his path, he said. Partida […]

Big Thought Stokes Creative Learning in Dallas Schools

by Avery Stefan Big Thought, a non-profit organization, has numerous programs that address academic achievement and youth development for students around Dallas. Through projects like the lantern art display for the Arts District’s annual Aurora event, Big Thought strives to encourage students’ creativity and imagination to enable them to attain a brighter future. Colorful papier-mâché […]

The Dallas LOVE Project: Honoring JFK’s Legacy Through Art

by Mallory Ashcraft Students, community members and artists from around the area are participating in the Dallas LOVE Project, which will honor the legacy of President John F. Kennedy through original works of art inspired by the quotes of peacemakers and influential figures. The art will be displayed at venues across Dallas.  Peace, love and […]